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We take the privacy of your personal information incredibly seriously. We request the minimal amount of information required to complete to provide a ticketing transaction on our website, although do utilise cookies to offer functional, statistical and marketing opportunities. Please see below for further information.

  • Technical or functional cookies

Some cookies are enabled on this site to ensure certain elements work correctly and that your user preferences, such as login details etc… remain active. Functional cookies allow our website to perform easily for you, meaning you do not need to repeatedly enter the same information again and again. 

  • Statistical Cookies

These cookies allow us to gather performance information on your site interactions, allowing us to better understand what our customers want from us. These cookies include Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console.

  • Marketing Cookies

Facebook pixel is present to allow us to market to you based on your site behaviour, for example if you have booked a show, abandoned your cart or taken other key actions with us. Your cookie data is passed seamlessly to Facebook without any third party intervention. Should you not wish your cookies to be passed to Facebook, please disable your cookie preferences. 


When you visit our website for the first time, or if you clear your cache, you will be presented with a cookie bar allowing you to select the cookies you do and do not consent to. You can choose to disable cookies at any time in your browser, however please note that certain parts of our website may not continue to function without them.

Please contact us should you have any questions.

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