It’s many, many years that FCT has had its council property situated at Bangholm but from 1st September our beloved B1, B2 and B3 will be no more because in the wake of the terrible Liberton High School tragedy that saw a wall collapse on a young girl the Council has decided to take a zero risk policy and attitude towards its property portfolio.
Bangholm falls into the highest risk category of council property. Each is rated 1 – 4 and DX. We are in DX. (That’s not good.)
That means we have 40 days to move out of Bangholm.
I have already heard talk and speculation about other reasons for our eviction.
Can I make it categorically clear that there is no reason that Bangholm is being condemned other than the building, that was designed to last 10 years and is now 69 years old, has been deemed unfit for habitation by the Council.
We hold no grudge against the Council.
This may be unwelcome but it is sensible really.
However it poses a challenge.
We need new premises, both storage and rehearsal space.
And we need them soon.
Anyone with any connections in this respect will be met with open arms (in the first instance you can email me at
We have an amazing spirit. An amazing team and great vim and vigour. This may seem calamitous right now, but in the long run I expect it to open a new and positive chapter for FCT.
It will have zero and I mean ZERO impact on Pippin. So guys, please do not panic.
I met with a small group of people tonight to flesh out an initial strategy.
It was a hugely positive and energising meeting.
We will prevail.
Oggy, oggy oggy, Oi oi oi. Ya beauty.